Sunday, August 24, 2014

Capri 18-20 months...

This little angel turned 20 months old August 22nd!  Since I'm a little late posting about her 18 month check up we will do a 18-20 month over view ;).  

Miss PriPri had her 18 month check up 07/08/14.  She was 23lbs. 7ozs. (40%) and 33" tall (90%).
Recently, little miss has been having a hard time with her teeth. I believe she is getting her two year old molars, but she won't let me see, so I'm not sure?!  She's had a slight fever, diaper rash and drooling a ton...definitely her symptoms of teething :(
This child has been goofy and loud literally from the second she was born!  I mean, she screamed for a solid hour after she was born!  I was thinking to myself "dear god, what have I done!"  Haha!   She can definitely be a little feisty, but she's also sooooo incredibly loving and smart and sensitive.  She knows and understands so much more than she is able to verbally communicate right now.  We really don't give babies/kids enough credit for how intelligent and intuitive they are. 
PriPri you are my angel and my little cuddle bug. You are funny, coy, and oh so goofy!  You make me smile each and every day.  I love you baby girl :)

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