Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fourth of July...Part 2...Daddy and Crew

July 4th greggy and crew spent the night up at the boat and then Saturday sissy and I went to visit for the day :)
The above pic is crewsie eating chicken fingers at 10:00pm with Daddy!
He loves fishing off of the boat!

They went to Cedar Point that weekend too!
Sleepy boy...
Below Crewsie at breakfast...everybody drinks like this, right?!
Daddy and Crewsie have such a special bond...best buddies.
Of course they had to visit Toft's!
A little night fishing...
Cuddling with his blankie watching the sunset :)

Mommy and PriPri visit!

More Cedar Point pics from July 4th weekend.  It was a fun filled three days!!!

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