Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas eve and day!!!

We started out Christmas Eve continuing our tradition of sprinkling reindeer food in the front yard!  Crew left some carrots outside as well!  
Then we came inside and sat down to write Santa a note....Crew was VERY specific when writing notes this year!  
Capri was NOT happy that she couldn't eat santas cookie!
See what I mean....VERY SPECIFIC!!!  And crew wanted to leave Santa only one cookie!  What a goober.

All ready for the kiddos!
Christmas morning monkey bread!  Ummm...I think I added too many rolls!  Oops!  It was still yummy :)

Mimosas for mommy and daddy :)

Present time!!!
He was soooo excited when he saw his new tent!!

Christmas at Popa and Yaya's!
Izzy enjoying capris chair :)
We had a wonderful Christmas with our families!

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