Here's a huge photo dump of the first half of January. We've been keeping busy despite the cold and snow! Having kids and a somewhat "busyish" schedule makes the winter a little more tolerable because it makes it go by a little faster ;)
I think I have read to Crew every night for the last 4.5+ years...all but maybe a few nights...and he refuses to let daddy read to him! Our bed time routine is so relaxing and calm. He brushes his teeth and goes potty and then we snuggle in bed and read a book. I turn his little fan on and shut the lights off and then cuddle back in bed with him. We talk for a few minutes while I rub his feet or his back and then I kiss him and tell him goodnight. I'm dreading the day he doesn't want to do this, but I dont think that will be for a very long time :)