Friday, July 5, 2013

Capri is 6 months!

Our baby girl is six months old?!?!  How can this be???  She is such a joy and we love her so, so much.  Soon her gummy little smile will sprout teeth, her coos will start to sound more like words, and her hair will start to grow and make her look more like a toddler than my bald baby girl.  Time goes by so swiftly and I know that too soon I will long for these sweet baby moments.

We absolutely love watching Crew and Capri interact with one another.  He still wakes up every morning asking to hold his sissy.  Crew is an exceptionally loving, gentle, and caring big brother.
She had her weigh in on July 1.  
Weight: 16 lbs. 15 ozs. (75%)
Height:  27 3/4" (97%)
Head was 97% but I didn't get the exact measurement.  And I did confirm that last time they were wrong about her weight only being in the 50%.  They put her on the wrong growing curve and she was really in the 90% for weight.
Capri facts:
She still loves to nurse and refuses a bottle!
Major hair puller (mommys hair!)
Grabs at EVERYTHING...especially food!
Laughs and smiles all of the time.
Loves her jumper.
No teeth yet.
Wears size 9 months.
Size 3 diapers.
Her feet are TINY! Size 2 are still a little big.
Eating puffs and yogurt drops along with her normal baby food.  Also have tried some ripe pieces of avocado and banana. She is doing well with trying to pick food up and put it in her mouth.  
Rolls to get where she wants to go!  Early stages of trying to crawl.  She tries to get her knees under her body and push her self up and kind of does a lunge move.
Loves when mommy sings the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

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