Thursday, April 11, 2013


Miss Capri has some major milestones to report! Last Friday (April 5) she slept in her crib and has been doing good! I was so hesitant to put her in there because I loved having her in the bassinet in our room. But she was ready! I also stopped swaddling her. Another thing I was terrified to stop but she has done great and sleeping better and, surprisingly, more soundly. She was sleeping great at night then got a little stuffy nose a month or so ago and I couldn't get her back to sleeping like she was before her little cold. But now that she is in her crib she is doing so much better! Last night she slept from 9:30 to 6:30 this morning! Woohooooo!!!!

Another fun milestone is she started rolling over...well, she actually rolled over once! Haha! She did it on Saturday (April 6). She went from her stomach to her back. But she has only done it once so it may have just been a fluke?!

Fun Capri facts:
She loves her bumbo!
Loves sucking her fingers!
And almost always crosses her little feet when she nurses.
She's a great little nurser (and still refuses a bottle!).
She is staring to grab and grasp onto objects (like my hair and shirt when she's nursing!).
She smiles so much and is always in a good mood. She's a chunky, happy baby!
She usually naps for a few hours in the morning and another little nap late afternoon/early evening.
She is such an easy and laid back baby!

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