Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy 4th birthday to my first born!

Oh Crewsie...mommy just CANNOT believe that you are four years old! I'm sad and happy all at the same time. Sad only because time goes by so quickly and I don't want you to grow up so fast! And I'm happy for many, many different reasons! I love seeing you so happy each and every day. You are my buddy and I love that I get to spend all of my time with you (Daddy has given me the greatest gift of all by providing for us so I can stay home with you and sissy...a gift I will always cherish). We laugh, giggle, and fun all of the time! You also make me crazy sometimes, but that's what little kids are supposed to do! Haha! You make Mommy and Daddy so happy and fill our hearts with love! Happy birthday baby boy!

Crewsie picked out a new Jeep for his birthday!

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