Friday, December 21, 2012

Preggo update...

Well, the last time I did a pregnancy update was over six weeks ago! Time goes so fast and I mean to update the blog (for my "scrapbooking" purposes) but then I never get around to it. So, this will be long and boring for 99% of the people reading the way I am 40 weeks pregnant!

A LOT has happened since beginning of November. As I wrote about previously I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around my 28 week appt. I started having weekly appointments because of this diagnosis. I also was put on the gestataional diabetes diet, pricking my finger 4 times per day and keeping a food journal. Every week I would visit my doc after this "diet" I wasn't gaining weight and was becoming a little concerned (I had gained about 15-16 lbs. when I was diagnosed). I questioned it every week and said something didn't feel quite right because with Crew I steadily gained and so did the baby. I technically only had one number that was high during my 3 hour glucose test and all of my sugars that I was keeping track of were good. They mainly look at fasting numbers and mine were always great.

I had an ultrasound done at 30 weeks and baby measured in the 3 lbs. 8 ozs. which was in the 49th percentile and all was good. But after 4 or 5 weeks of being on this "diet" and not gaining weight I had another ultrasound done at 34.5 weeks and baby measured at 4 lbs. 10 ozs. and had slipped to the 26th percentile. Obviously she was still gaining weight and still on the charts but we felt it was a big slip on the chart. I did not feel totally comfortable with the information and neither did Greg so we decided it was time to get a second opinion regarding my weight gain, the babys weight, and my diabetes diagnoses.

So I went back to my old OBGYN office (which I only left because my OB did). Well, I'm soooooo glad that we made this decision. I have now been seeing a new doctor since about 34.5 weeks. He disagreed with the gestational diabetes diagnosis and took me off of the diet. He looked at my entire picture of health and said if anything he would have diagnosed me with a slight glucose intolerance. I have still been having weekly NST's because that was the path that I was on and I've had 2 more ultrasounds just to confirm measurements and size. Around 36.5 weeks (and being off of the diet for 2 weeks) he did another ultrasound to check babys growth and she was back up to the 57th percentile! YAY! She measured in at 6 lbs. 3 ozs. And today (12-19-12) at 39.5 weeks I had an ultrasound and baby measured 7 lbs. 11 ozs! I'm also up a few pounds since seeing this doc (total weight gain so far 21 lbs.) He also did a check today and I'm 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced and baby is at -2 she is ready at any time! I will be so anxious to see what she ends up weighing at birth to see how accurate these ultrasounds really are!?!?
I knew the moment I found out I was having a baby girl that her room was going to have lots of pink and purple! I loved decorating Crew's nursery and this time it was so much fun decorating all girly! I love that I get to experience both worlds!
I can't show above the crib because her name is a secret!
This is the same furniture that Crewsie used as a baby and love that she will use the same stuff! Everything is washed, organized and ready to go. Just this week I packed my bag for the hospital!
I had Crewsie's blue rocker recovered and I sewed the pillow for the chair with and put her monogram on it! And Yaya crocheted her beautiful blankie! The monogram is a little hint to her name ;)

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