Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Visits with family...

We got back from vacation last Sunday after being gone 11 days!  We had a great trip and we are already greatly missing the beach.  Normally, we fly to Florida, but this time decided to drive and stop and see some family along the way.  It was a 18-19 hour trip each way...crazy!  And what else is crazy is how WONDERFUL Crew did in the car.  Actually, it's not that crazy because he is such a great kid and I shouldn't have expected any different, but I still can't believe how good he was.  I think he whined for a total of maybe 5 minutes the entire almost 40 hour drive...and only slept for about 2 hours of the entire trip!  I have to admist I acted like a bigger baby then Crew did...I just get so freakin' antsy in the car!  He was soooooo excited to go and asked probably 100 times on the way down "When are we getting to Florida!?"  On our way down we stopped in Sebastian, FL and visited with Greg's grandparents and on the way home we stopped in Charlotte to visit Greg's brother.  Great trip all around and I will post beach pics soon :)
Greg's grandparents have a wonderful screened in pool at their house...wish we had this!
Greg's Grandparents:  Grandpa Eddy and Grandma Dianne...unfortunately, we don't get to visit with them often enough, but Crew warmed up to Dianne so fast and they became buddies :)

On our way home we stopped and visited with cousin Piper in Charlotte!

Uncle Dave and Crewsie
He loved touching the nape of her neck and feeling her hair...so sweet :)
He kept wanting to hold her!

Kisses for Piper Grace!

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