Friday, February 19, 2010

I thought it would be fun to give you some funny/interesting "Crew Stats!" A lot of my family and friends are always asking me..."How big is he now?"..."How much does he weigh?"..."What size is he wearing?" So here are the stats:

  • 26 lbs. (unofficial-our estimate, not the doctors!)

  • 31" tall (unofficial-our estimate, not the doctors!)

  • 2T shirts

  • 18 month pants

  • size 4 shoe

  • size 5 diaper
I'm told he is one big kid!!!  He also LOVES to rip off peoples glasses and sometimes even gouge out an eye...yikes...we need to break him of this habit!  And he gives the best kisses ever...he gives Mommy kisses on the lips all of the time, but he is hesitant with other people...Daddy gets one every once in a while!  Crew is eating more and more "human" food and starting to turn away baby food.  The last couple weeks he has eaten bites of pizza (the soft crust, sauce and cheese!), sugar cookies (Mommy made for Valentine's Day), white lasagna with chicken and spinach (he LOVED it!), and a few bites of cake (from Great-Grammy Fishers bday)!  Below are some pics from the other day as we were watching Dada snow blow the driveway from all this crazy snow we have been getting!

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