Monday, January 18, 2010

This is what I call the "Crewser Chase!"  First, we start off in the high chair eating his breakfast.  From there he crawls around the kitchen floor while Momma is cleaning up and gets into the pantry.  Next, he is in the dining room pulling himself up to the wine cabinet (I guess he's picking out what wine he wants for dinner! haha). Now into the living room and pulling himself onto the doggies cage!  He's now bored and wants to climb up the stairs!  We now get dressed for the day and he is back on the kitchen table for a little snack!  And finally, after a little snack, he is PASSED OUT!  Then we repeat this about 10 more times throughout the day!  No wonder we are  both tired by the end of the day!  What a stinker!

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