Friday, May 6, 2011

Beach bound...

We are in the car and on our way to HILTON HEAD ISLAND!  Daddy has his laptop with an aircard so I decided to write a quick little blog post (since I have nothing else to do!).  I just took these pics a little while ago of Crewise...notice he is wearing his Bruno hat, swim trunks (which he un-packed out of his bag), orange shirt (because it's his favorite color right now), and black socks (which you can't see)...and yes, he picked this outfit to wear in the car.  As a matter of fact he INSISTED (aka: had a fit!).  I had a cute little outfit picked out, but you can see who won that battle.  He is soooooo excited for the beach I guess he just couldn't help himself!

I also wanetd to mention all of Crew's funny "slang" language.  These are a few phrases that just crack us up: 

"Crew do!" (if you try to brush his teeth, put his shoes on, etc. he always says this)

"Not bad!" (Daddy taught him this one and it is so funny...he will say "Not bad!" if you ask him how his dinner was or if you ask him how he funny!)

"No way!"  and "No, Crews!" (obviously he says this if he doesn't want to do something or if we have something of his that he wants!)

"Yep!" and "Nope!"  (he obviously knows how to say Yes and No, but it is so cute when he uses these terms)

And these are a couple I just love to here him say: "Water fountain"   "Kalahari"    "Dirty dog!" (sometimes he will call the dogs (and sometimes us!) "Dirrrrty dogs!)

And recently I'm "Molly!" (Mommy) and Daddy is "Dally!"  It is so cute to hear him say "MOLLY!" and "DALLY!"

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