Monday, March 21, 2011

Digging for gold...

So, this is what my little man has been doing lately!  Lovely, isn't it?!?!?!  His finger found his nose a while ago, but he has now taken it to a whole new level!  It is all a joke and he knows that he is not supposed to be doing this!  We will be driving in the car and he will say "Momma!" and I will look and he will be doing this laughing thinking he is soooooo funny!  He is such a goofball and I love it!  I love how carefree and uninhibited little kids are.  I love that they can be as goofy as they want to be and don't care what anyone else thinks of them!  I hope he always lives his life this way...although, not always with his fingers up his nose!

Since Crewsie got over his cold we have finally been able to venture out of the house!  While we were at the mall last week we stopped by the tux shop to get an idea of what size Crewsie would be this July.   The lady asked how old and I told her he was almost two and she hestitated and said that the tuxes started at 3T's and that we would not be able to rent one and we would probably have to just buy one.  Well, little did she know that Crewsie is a little large for his age!  Not only is he wearing a 3T in the pic, but it barely buttoned!  hahaha!  I'm guessing he will be a 4T and the sleeves and pant legs will have to be hemmed.  I can't wait to see him as the ring bearer in Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey's wedding!

 One day last week we went to Bidinger's for Crewsie's first ice cream of the season and he got his own little baby cone!
 My little nutty professor wearing Momma's glasses.
Another day we made some veggie soup (we actually made chicken noodle soup later in the week too!).  Crewsie loves helping me when I'm chopping veggies, pouring, and stirring.  He loves throwing the veggies or whatever I've chopped into the bowl and then stirring it around!  He also loves the soup, so that's an added bonus!  As you can see he has carrot on his face because he was chewing the carrots as he we throwing them in the bowl. 

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