Thursday, January 27, 2011


First, I want to say HAPPY 22 MONTHS to my little man!  I CANNOT believe he will be two in two months!

Tomorrow (Jan. 28th) will mark one week of potty training for our Crewsie Bear.  On Monday I was ready to give up and try again next month until Greggy gave me a pep-talk.  He said you can't expect Crew to be trained in three or four days...afterall, we don't expect them to learn to crawl, walk, use a fork, talk, etc. in just a few days so why would potty training be any different.  I was used to people telling me "Oh, yeah my kid potty trained in a weekend" but the people who were telling me this had three and three and a half year olds...I had to get it out of my head that a weekend of 'potty boot camp' was going to do the trick.  Well, I hung in there and we kept trying...and it has gotten better and better everyday!  As a matter of fact this morning Crew did not have one accident ...YAY for Big Boy!  He peed every time I put him on the potty and even went poopy!  The key to getting him to go #2 is to give him privacy...I notice if I step out of the bathroom he goes, but if I'm there he won't go.  He is by no mean 100% trained, but I feel like we are well on our way!  Hopefully, I am not telling you in a week that we are back in diapers!
One of Crewsie's favorite books "Just me and my Mom" by Mercer Mayer...I loved Mercer Mayer books when I was young!
 I love the little adorable!  He also has some Mickey underwear and tighty-whitey' I need to get him some little boxer briefs!
 Crewsie dancing around at his Mother Goose program!

1 comment:

  1. If anyone has videos of little boys taking dick in the butt message my kik account alvinseville15
