Monday, April 20, 2015

More fall fun in Peninsula...

After we visited Heritage Farms we stopped at Szalay's for their famous roasted corn and then headed to the bike path.

It was perfect fall day!  The river was so pretty.

Crew loves riding his bike in these paths!

Eating the yummy roasted corn!  With lots of butter and salt and pepper of course :)
The BIG swing!!!

Fall at Heritage Farms, Peninsula...

We discovered Heritage Farm kind of by accident a couple years ago in our way to a farmers market in peninsula.  Now we love continuing the tradition and going back every fall with the kiddos :)
Out babes love fall just like their mommy and daddy!

There is so much for the kids to explore!
Sissy lived the enormous tee-pees!

Pumpkin bowling :)

So much fun :)