Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pumpkin carving, Scare on the Square, and more!

Fall is my most FAVORITE time of year!  I just wished it lasted about two months longer and then the winter be two months shorter!  We did a lot of different, fun autumn activities :)
Crewsie in Uncle Blake's coat from when he was a little boy :)
Pumpkin carving time!  We have so much fun every year carving our pumpkins and then roasting the seeds!
Munchkin found brothers old monkey costume and HAD to try it on!
Popa with the kids headed to "Scare on the Square" downtown!

Halloween party at preschool!

Fun at the girls mommy/auntie-and-me preschool!
The kids were supposed to dress up as an animal or a farmer...the girls were "farmer-ish!"
My little "farmer!"  Haha!

Story time :)

Halloween party with friends!

Our little Halloween that we hosted with some of our best buddies was so much fun!!!
Two peanuts at the little kid table!  Haha!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Popa's Pancake Breakfast!

Every fall Popa hosts his annual pancake breakfast for the kiddos!  The kids love is Mickey and rocking horse pancakes!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Crew and Capri school pics...

Love these two little munchkins school pictures this year!!!

FINAL Florida post :)

Okay so this is finally the last of our wonderful vacation!  The kids had so much fun swimming in the pool everyday, scavenging for seashells, visiting Disney World, and spending time with the grandparents and great grandparents!

Grammy Diane and PriPri :)

And on our flight home Ohio actually looked pretty beautiful :)

Florida beach pics...

There is no place we would rather be than in the beach!

My two babies...how did they grow up so fast?!?!
Happy to have a drink in my hand!  Ha!

Collecting seashells!!  Crews favorite thing to do on vacation :)
Doing my little pixies hair :). Love this angel!
More swimming for the big boy!