Monday, October 27, 2014

Some random cuteness and fun...

Above: daddy and pri at the highschool football game!  Below:  two midgets ready for preschool!
Crewsie loves taking scooter rides with Popa!!!

Crewsie and his preK class, his teacher and principal.
I love his eyes :)

These pics of Capri crack me up...she's such a little ham!
Trampoline park fun....jumping at a friends bday party!

Crew was just a constant blur all afternoon!  Haha!

A lot of times Yaya picks crewsie up from school because Capri is taking her nap.  He always talks her into something fun!
Playground and then hotdog and root beer at the drive-in!
Our porch ready for fall!

Preschool with the peanuts...

Once I week I take the girls to mommy/auntie-and-me preschool!  We sing songs, have activity centers, eat a snack and play fun games!
They always love the playdough!!!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Crew's first day of preK!!!

Crews first day of preK was September 8th!  And he absolutely LOVES it!  He even asks to go on the weekends...he can't be our child!  Haha!  
Sissy always want to join in the fun so everyday she takes her backpack when we drop Crewsie off at school!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Yaya's 60th birthday!!!

September 6th was Yaya's 60th birthday!!!  Although she still likes to stick to 54 years's her magic number for some odd reason!  Haha!   The kids and I took Yaya in some treats to work...they love visiting her there!  
Then Friday evening we all met at Gervasi Vineyards for a fabulous dinner to celebrate a FABULOUS mom and grandma!!!
We hope you had a wonderful birthday, Mom!!!  You are so special to every one of us and we all love you VERY, VERY much!!! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Luke Bryan with my mom-in-law!

Back in August my mom-in-law, her friend and I went to see Luke Bryan at Blossom!  Barb (aka: Grammy) had never been to a concert there and she's slightly in love with Luke Bryan!  Haha!  
We went to Bricco pub before the concert and grabbed a burger and some hard cider!  This black cherry hard cider was so good and I cannot find it anywhere in the grocery stores!
Barb and Judy getting ready to get down!
I didn't even really know who Luke Bryan was until Barn asked me if I wanted to go.  I started listening to his music and really liked it...and he put on a great show!!!

Barb loved every minute and really enjoyed herself!  Thanks so much for taking me along too Grammy!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lots of cute randomness...

This most has A LOT of randomness going on!!!  But trying to get through my pics and get caught up :). Above: the kids on the train at the outlet mall. Below:  more playground time :)
One of crewsies new obsessions...hex bugs!

Wow...looks like she had one too many margaritas!
These two are best friends :)
Her baby blues...

Boat ride with aunt Casey!
He loves climbing in her crib!
This girl is getting so good with the potty :). 

Daddy and his buddy!
Being a stinker!
Playing with Grammy or as Capri calls her Mimi :)