Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin carving time!

Crew has been asking to carve the pumpkins for about a month now...and it's finally time!!! Thank goodness!  Haha!
We carved them over the weekend and he couldn't be more proud of them!  Especially the werewolf that mommy carved ;)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Trick-or-treat with Izzy...

Aunt Taytay and Uncle Joejoe invited us over for trick or treat at their house earlier this week.  Crewsie and Isla had fun running from house to house together!

Friday, October 25, 2013

A week with Crewsie and Capri...

A typical week...crewsie watching a cartoon in the morning.
A visit to the dentist...no cavaties :)
Train ride at the outlets...
Cuddling in mommas bed...

Lunch date at paneras with my two sweet peas...

Climbing the steps...1,000 times per day

More eating...
PriPri is always pulling herself up at her crib and has now started to walk around it...
Mommy-daughter lunch date at Alladins...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Medina Square trick-or-treat...

Last Friday night we went to Medina for the trick or treating on the square!  It was a beautiful fall evening.  I'm glad we took advantage of the nice weather because they're calling for 40 degree weather and snow at the end of the week!  
Capri was not loving being in her lion costume!
Crew has talked about being a werewolf since LAST Halloween!  He is OBSESSED with werewolves and Halloween in general.  Everyday he sits at the computer and asks me to look up pictures of werewolves, bats, etc.!

We trick or treated for a while and then went to Sully's for some dinner.  We were done in time to go back out and trick or treat for awhile longer!

Every time I see him in that darn mask it makes me laugh :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Enjoying autumn at Put-in-Bay...

Last weekend my parents rented a cabin for Friday and Saturday at Put-in-Bay!  The weather was absolutely gorgeous...sunny and 70!  We all shared a lot of laughs!
Pripri's hair is getting so long!
Crewsie had to play putt putt!
At one if the wineries with Daddy!

Yaya and Capri!

Crewsie loved playing with his best buddy, Isla poo!
Capri riding in the golf cart!